Long Beach High School Basketball Coaches are reportedly getting  harassed on the job. It has been reported reported that a second coach recently resigned.

With the last resignation, the Coach indicated that they received text messages from the parents. “It was eating me alive—the text messages I received, the messages going back and forth on Instagram,”  Nbc News.  The reporting noted that “both coaches emphasized that these aggressive parents are making volunteer coaching positions difficult to justify, as the toll on mental health becomes too significant.” Nbc News.  The news report that the Long Beach Unified School District was contacted on the matter and refrained from making any comment.

This post will explore whether this particular fact pattern could give rise to a workers’ compensation injury claim.

Can Someone File a Stress Claim If They Resign?

A resignation due to stress would not bar a workers’ compensation claim.  An Injured Worker can pursue a claim regardless of their employment status.  In this instance, the claim would likely be a stress or psyche claim.  Thus, the claim would be for a psychological injury such as an anxiety or depressive disorder.

Can Someone Claim Benefits If They Are A Volunteer?

Yes. It is possible that a Volunteer can claim workers’ compensation benefits.  There are some provisions that allow volunteers to file claims. These individuals should check  with the HR department to see if they are eligible.

Does Parental Harassment Constitute Job Stress?

Yes. Parental harassment would be considered as an industrially related stress.

What if I Need Advice?

If you would like a free consultation regarding workers’ compensation, please contact the Law Offices of Edward J. Singer, a Professional Law Corporation. We have been helping people in Central and Southern California deal with their workers’ compensation cases for 27 years. Contact us today for more information.