Brave Public Servants rushed into the dangerous scene of a woman who was apparently in the act of committing suicide. During this rescue attempt, the workers into toxic chemicals that were in the women’s car. Two Police Officers and one EMS worker were injured as a result. It was reported that one of ill workers was taken to a local hospital.
This article will discuss the initial issues which relate to a toxic exposure case of this nature.
If A Worker Is Exposed to Unknown Chemicals And Is Injured, What Should They Do?
From a workers’ compensation perspective, the Injured Worker should immediately seek medical attention. It is important that they are tested for toxic chemicals. This may include both blood and urine testing. If possible, it is important to identify whether chemicals entered the Injured Worker’s body. Testing of this nature can take place at the Emergency Room or Hospital. Eventually, the Injured Worker will likely see a Toxicologist. They are medical specialists who address chemical exposures.
In This Instance, If There Was No Toxic Exposure, Would These Workers Still Have A Claim?
In California Workers’ Compensation law, an emotional or physiological reaction to an event can also be considered an injury. If the stress from this event caused a cardiovascular reaction, ie a sustained increase in blood pressure or chest pains, it possible that a work-related injury occurred. The ultimate determination would be from a medical professional. Likewise, this particular event, which included an individual apparently committing suicide, would certainly be considered as an emotionally stressful. This may be the basis for a psychiatric injury for which a mental health professional would be employed for a determination.
What if I Need Advice?
If you would like a free consultation regarding workers’ compensation, please contact the Law Offices of Edward J. Singer, a Professional Law Corporation. We have been helping people in Central and Southern California deal with their workers’ compensation cases for 27 years. Contact us today for more information.