work injury claim form with a judge's gavel


depressed woman sitting on the floor of a dark room


It is reported that a High School Student attacked two teachers on school grounds.  Currently, he is charged with assault for slapping one Teacher.  He is also accused of kidnapping and misdemeanor riot.
It is reported that one of the teachers said: “I walked up to the desk to get my phone to call the office and he mockingly walked behind me, and I happened to turn around and see him and the students started laughing,” “The next thing I know he had taken his hand and smushed my head and everybody started laughing and he ran out.”
The other Teacher was reportedly smacked twice. The video of this event went viral.
These cases will be analyzed under California Workers’ Compensation Law.
Are These Attacks Work Injuries?
In these two fact patterns, it does not appear that there were physical work injuries.  The news reporting did not indicate any injuries and did not indicate that any medical care was obtained.  Hurt feelings alone does not constitute a work injury.  A diagnosed medical condition is necessary.
These incidences may constitute psychiatric workers’ compensation claims.   In this instance, the psychiatric basis with respect to the events.  The threshold for such injury claims would be lower than the usual standards due to the violence involve. The standard applicable would be as follows: ” in the case of employees whose injuries resulted from being a victim of a violent act or from direct exposure to a significant violent act, the employee shall be required to demonstrate by a preponderance of the evidence that actual events of employment were a substantial cause of the injury.”  This is 35-40 percent.
What If I Need to Seek Advice?
If you would like a free consultation regarding workers’ compensation, please contact the Law Offices of Edward J. Singer, a Professional Law Corporation. We have been helping people in Central and Southern California deal with their workers’ compensation cases for 27 years. Contact us today for more information.


According to a report, a High School Basketball Coach was assaulted in a parking lot and sustained injury to his head, neck, face and arms.   The conflict apparently was as a result of the Coach benching a player.  After the game, it is alleged that the player, along with his brother, committed the violent act.

This article will discuss, under California Workers’ Compensation Law, whether the injury would be considered work-related?

Can An Injury in a Parking Lot Be Work-Related?

California Workers’ Compensation Law has established caselaw to address employer parking lots. “On the basis of this rule it has been consistently held that the protection of the compensation law extends to injuries sustained by an employee in a parking area maintained by the employer for the use of employees, the theory being that a contract of employment which contemplates parking by employees on the premises must necessarily contemplate their entry and departure via the parking area and a reasonable interval of time and space for doing so.” (North American Rockwell Corp. v. Workmen’s Comp. App. Bd. [(1970)] 9 Cal. App. 3d 154, 157 [35 Cal. Comp. Cases 300, 87 Cal.  Rptr. 774] see Cal. Cas. Ind. Exch. v. Ind. Acc. Com., supra, 21 Cal. 2d 751, 754 Pacific Indem. Co. v. Industrial Acc. Com. [(1946)] 28 Cal. 2d 329, 336 [11 Cal. Comp. Cases 148, 170 P.2d 18]  [**5] Van Cleve v. Workmen’s Comp. App. Bd. [(1968)] 261 Cal. App. 2d 228 [33 Cal. Comp. Cases 219, 67 Cal. Rptr. 757].)”

In the present matter, while one can argue about whether the assault was a continuation of work activities, this dispute is not necessary to determine work-relatedness. The fact that the beating took place in the parking lot is sufficient to make it a work-related event.  As long as the Coach was not the initial physical aggressor, the injury should be considered as work related for the purposes of providing workers’ compensation benefits.

What If I Need Legal Advice?

If you want a free consultation regarding workers’ compensation, please get in touch with the Law Offices of Edward J. Singer, a Professional Law Corporation. We have been helping people in Central and Southern California deal with their workers’ compensation cases for 30 years. Contact us today for more information.

denied work injury claim


The Workers’ Compensation System is not without controversy or flaws.

A Florida Instructor’s highly publicized work injury illustrates a benefit payment kerfuffle. How the workers’ compensation works has made a Teacher/Paraeducator struggle post-injury to make ends meet. A student had criminally assaulted her and, as a result, suffered severe injuries.

This article analyzes how a Seriously Injured Worker’s benefits can be terminated. The article’s analysis is under California Worker’s Compensation Law.

Despite suffering five broken ribs, receiving a severe concussion, sustaining a hearing loss, and having slowed speech, this brave Educator returned to the workplace. In the news account, she stated, “Unfortunately, a lot of my injuries that are not visible I’m going to have for the rest of my life.”. According to, “[t]he educator said she has been struggling to resolve her workers’ compensation case.” She returned to work in a different job title. Since then, she has gone on unpaid leave.

How Do Temporary Disability Benefits Operate?

In the Workers’ Compensation System, temporary disability(TTD) benefits are paid when an individual cannot work their usual and customary occupation. The determination is made through a physician. There are times when an Injured Worker is determined to be able to perform limited work, i.e., light duty. In those instances, if the employer cannot accommodate the temporary work restrictions, the Injured Worker will continue receiving temporary disability benefits. With temporary disability benefits, there is a cap. For many injuries, the cap is at 104 weeks.

Did The Teacher’s Return To Work Impact Her Benefits?

Yes. In California Workers’ Compensation Law, an Injured Worker’s right to receive temporary disability benefits terminates when they return to work.   This termination can occur when one returns to an alternative or modified work position.   Thus, to receive renewed temporary disability benefits, the Injured Worker must re-establish their medical status via a medical provider. In the fact pattern presented, it would appear that the Teacher did not get medically certified despite going off of work again. Thus, no obligation was triggered to obligate the carrier to resume the payment of TTD benefits.

What If I Need Legal Advice?

If you want a free consultation regarding workers’ compensation, please get in touch with the Law Offices of Edward J. Singer, a Professional Law Corporation. We have been helping people in Central and Southern California deal with their workers’ compensation cases for 30 years. Contact us today for more information.

judges gavel and handcuffs

Florida Teacher Attacked by Student Injured Workers in the News, #95

A Teacher (official title Paraprofessional) was brutally beaten by a 270 pound seventeen-year old student.    It was reported that she was beaten to the point that she lost unconsciousness (note: the loss of consciousness is a sign that there might be a brain trauma.)  The student was arrested, pled guilty and is reported  to be scheduled for criminal sentencing.  It is possible that the student could be sentenced as either an adult or a juvenile.  In the worst case scenario, the student faces up to 30 years in prison.  Flagerlive.  News accounts arguably have painted the Teacher as a bad person due to the fact that she has no interest in assisting the student during his sentencing procedure.

The news accounts- which are offensive and victimize the victim- are pathetic.  It is quite possible that the Injured Worker, as a result, may be emotionally impacted by the event surrounding the criminal proceeding.  It must be noted that this Injured Worker has no obligation to either participate in the sentencing procedure or offer up a message to the Judge to give the student leniency.   Some of the media appear to disrespect an Injured Worker who suffered severe trauma.

As a practicing attorney, I have represented  Injured Workers who- as victims of crime- have been forced to participate in the criminal prosecution of the offenders.  These moments can be very stressful..  They can  often re-ignite the emotional trauma from the incident.  As such,  there is an issue as to whether this emotional stress would be considered as work-related.

In California, If This Criminal Proceeding Caused The Injured Worker Increased Emotional Harm,  How Would It Be Addressed?

Assuming that this Injured Worker included a psyche injury with respect to the initial assault, the following analysis is to be made:  With respect to the need for medical attention, treatment to cure or relieve from the effects of the injury is to be provided.  Most likely,  a doctor would indicate that the need for treatment after dealing with the criminal proceeding constituted an aggravation of her emotional state tied to  underlying assault.  Thus, any treatment would be provided on an industrial basis for treatment connected to the criminal proceedings.

With respect to a permanent disability award, there is likely to be controversy.  Should the criminal proceeding be considered as a continuation or the original industrial injury?  Or, should it be considered as a non-industrial event?  This is a matter of controversy which has not been fully meted out.  It is my opinion that this matter that it will be both factually based as well as medically based.  In other words, the nature of the original injury and the nature of the criminal proceedings will come into play.  Likewise, the nature and extent of the medical treatment psychologically prior to the criminal proceedings might be of interest.   In essence, the issue is both complex and multi-factoral.

What If I Need Legal Advice?

If you would like a free consultation regarding workers’ compensation, please contact the Law Offices of Edward J. Singer, a Professional Law Corporation. We have been helping people in Central and Southern California deal with their workers’ compensation cases for 30 years. Contact us today for more information.

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