group of police officers in a subway station


The Nypost reports that there is an uptake of Police Officer injuries.  One of the causes for the increase in work injuries is the “use of force”.  
According to the data, the brave men and women of law enforcement are involved with unprecedented “use of force” activities due to the numerous protests across the country and on college campuses. In New York, the NY Police have suffered “7% more injuries while battling lawbreakers through the first quarter in 2024 (1,342-1,251).”  Tied to this is the data that ““Use of Force” stats further reveal a 20% rise in the number of violent encounters between cops and suspects overall — 2,590 so far this year compared to 2023.”  There are indications the bail reform has encouraged bad behavior by suspects.
This article will analyze this factual situation under California Workers’ Compensation Law. 

Is There Any Defense to A Use of Force Claim?

Yes.  Law Enforcement Officers are subject to traditional workers’ compensation rules.  One rule involves physical contact.  It is the initial aggressor rule which is a defense which can bar a claim.   Thus, if a Police Officer is determined to be the initial aggressor and is injured, it is possible that the claim could be barred.  Thus, Police Officers must act with caution when doing their duties.  For workers’ compensation purposes, It is very important that a Police Officer initiates physical conduct in accordance with the direction of a superior officer or department policy.  Absent those measures, any action should be in response to an act of physical aggression by a suspect would not be subject to the initial aggressor defense. Issues concerning initial aggressor rule are likely to be the subject of controversy as there is an increase These measures are extremely important in light of both body cameras operated by the officers as well as the many third-parties that are recording these clashes.

The basis for the initial aggressor defense is Labor Code Section 3600(a) (7).  It requires that a workers’ compensation case “does not arise out of an altercation in which the injured employee is the initial physical aggressor.”  As such, if the Police Officer was instructed to initiate the altercation by supervision, arguably they would not be the initial aggressor.  Arguably, their supervisor would be the initial aggressor.

What If I Need Advice?

If you would like a free consultation regarding workers’ compensation, please contact the Law Offices of Edward J. Singer, a Professional Law Corporation. We have been helping people in Central and Southern California deal with their workers’ compensation cases for 27 years. Contact us today for more information. 


blood disorder


An Irate Passenger stabbed a MTA Bus Driver’s left hand. It was reported that the two had gotten into an argument. As a result of the injury, the driver was taken to the hospital and was reportedly in stable condition.

This article will discuss how this matter will be assessed as a work injury and how the permanent disability will be assessed.

If The Assault Was Brought On By A Worker-Customer Argument, Would The Stabbing Be Considered Work-Related?

Most likely yes.  If the argument was only verbal, then the matter would remain as a work-related injury and the MTA Bus Driver would receive workers’ compensation benefits.  Had there been an argument and the MTA Bus Driver initiated the physical violence upon the Passenger, then the “initial physical aggressor” rule which bars compensation would have to be addressed.   If the Driver was found to be the “initial physical aggressor”, then benefits would be barred.  This factual determination is the purview of Workers’ Compensation Judge. As such, it would be likely that a Trial with testimony would occur.

What Types Of Injuries Occurred In This Incident?

Given this fact pattern, a stabbing injury is likely to cause an orthopedic hand injury, a possible transmission of a blood borne illness, and perhaps a psychiatric injury.

How Does One Assess A Hand Impairment Injury?

In Cailfornia, Permanent Disability Percentage is calculated by using the AMA Guides for the evaluation of permanent impairment.  According to the AMA, the ”AMA Guides provide a reliable, repeatable measurement framework for permanent impairment in patients who have suffered an injury or illness resulting in long-term loss of a body part or reduction of body function.”  With respect to a Hand Impairment,  loss of range of motion and possibly grip loss will be assessed.  Likewise, since it was a stabbing injury, ia skin disorder or a nerve disorder may also be evaluated concerning impairment.

What if I Need Advice?

If you would like a free consultation regarding workers’ compensation, please contact the Law Offices of Edward J. Singer, a Professional Law Corporation. We have been helping people in Central and Southern California deal with their workers’ compensation cases for 30 years. Contact us today for more information.

animated judge


A Texas airline agent was suspended after being caught in a wild viral video trading blows with a woman.  Reportedly, the customer yelled racial and homophobic slurs at him.  The video of the incident is available on the internet.

The video was remarkable. At one point, agent and the customer were separated by an individual.  At one point, it appears that the customer reached over and initiated contact with the agent.  This contact appears to infuriate the agent.  The video shows a number of interactions.

Hypothetically, we are going to assume that the agent sustained an injury during the encounter and that it occurred after the alleged touching by the customer.  Which actions on the video was physical contact? Who make the first aggressive physical contact?  Note: this hypothetical will not address the possibility of a psyche claim.  The incident involved racial and homophobic slurs by the customer which could provide a basis for such a claim.

If so, could the agent have a legitimate valid physical injury workers’ compensation case?  This article will discuss how this question would be addressed within the California Workers’ Compensation System.

What Is the Defense Against This Claim?

In California, there is an  initial aggressor defense.  A claim can be barred “[w]here the injury does not arise out of an altercation in which the injured employee is the initial physical aggressor.” This is per Labor Code Section 3600.   In this matter, determining whether the  agent was the initial physical aggressor is quite confusing.  It is possible that not all of the interactions were caught on tape.  Likewise, whether certain actions constituted physical aggression is a matter of interpretation.

With this said, the interaction in this matter was quite complex.  An insurance carrier may deny the claim based upon the fact that there was contact that arguably was initiated by the agent.

Since There May Be A Dispute On A Matter Like This, How Would It Be Handled In The Workers’ Compensation System?

In California, there is the Workers’ Compensation Appeals Board.  The Board has local offices.  These offices have Judges that are able to adjudicate claims.  These Judges are called Administrative Law Judges or ALJs.  Not only do ALJs try cases, they also act as the “finder of fact.”  Since the Judge is the “finder of fact,” there is no need for a jury.  Jud  Thus, there are no jury trial in workers’ compensation.  All decision as made by the Judge.

In a case like this hypothetical, the Judge would likely receive testimony from the Injured Worker and other witnesses.  Also, the video of the event most likely would be taken into evidence as well.  The Judge would examine all of the evidence to make a determination as to whether the employee was the the initial physical aggressor.

What if I Need Advice?

If you would like a free consultation regarding workers’ compensation, please contact the Law Offices of Edward J. Singer, a Professional Law Corporation. We have been helping people in Central and Southern California deal with their workers’ compensation cases for 27 years. Contact us today for more information.


Mr. Anthony Wilson, an MTA Worker, is both a hero and an Injured Worker.   It was reported that “[l]ast week, Nelson was cleaning the Pelham Bay subway station in the Bronx when police allege 49-year-old Alexander Wright began to harass customers. Nelson stepped in to protect them, but the suspect quickly turned his rage toward Nelson, breaking his collarbone and nose.”  KESQ.COM

This fact pattern may involve many unique issues. This article will discuss two important issues that come up with these type of events;  the injury investigation and the Injured Worker’s high profile work injury celebrity status.

Why Would High Profile Claim Like This Be Investigated?

In California, any assault claim has the possibility of an insurance company defense of initial physical aggressor.  The initial physical aggressor rule could bar an Injured Worker’s claim.  Therefore, it is worthy of inquiry by the insurance company.  In other words, there will be an investigation as to whether the Injured Worker made the first physical contact.

Labor Code Section 5402, allows insurance companies 90 days to investigate claims.  “If liability is not rejected within 90 days after the date the claim form is filed under Section 5401, the injury shall be presumed compensable under this division.”  Thus, the Insurance Company will got out and get witness statements and see if the incident was caught on tape before accepting the claim.

Why Is The Injured Worker’s Celebrity Status A Problem?

An Injured Worker who becomes a celebrity as a result of their injury creates a problem.

When an Injured Worker is in a high profile worker’ compensation case, they may be on television or interviewed for news articles. These television reports or interviews may reveal information concerning the Injured Worker’s injuries and their physical activity level.   Additionally, in interviews, Injured Workers may try to make a positive and uplifting impression rather than be accurate concerning their complaints.  This information can be used to impeach the Injured Worker.  Also, it could be sent to examining or evaluating physicians.

What if I Need Advice?

If you would like a free consultation regarding workers’ compensation, please contact the Law Offices of Edward J. Singer, a Professional Law Corporation. We have been helping people in Central and Southern California deal with their workers’ compensation cases for 27 years. Contact us today for more information.

workers compensation


In Brooklyn, a McDonald’s Worker was shot in the face. After the incident, the worker was reportedly in critical care as a result of the incident.

The facts of the case are that there was this Worker was in a dispute with a customer inside the restaurant.  After the incident, the Worker, for reasons not clear, went outside of the store.  There, the dispute continued.  It is reported that the customer’s son shot the McDonald’s Worker in the face.

UPDATE: Since this post, there is additional information from a article.  It appears that there was an initial dispute concerning cold fries.  The customer’s son and the McDonald’s Worker exchanged words in the store and there was a conversation apparently about taking the matter outside.  It is reported that the Worker may have gone outside to search for the customer’s son and an incident occurred.

This case will be discussed along the lines of California Law with respect to the issues.

Was This an Industrial Injury for the Purposes of Workers’ Compensation?

While a case may look like it is work-related, in order to get workers’ compensation benefits, an injury must arise out of and be in the course and scope of employment.  This requires some analysis.

In this particular case, there are questions that need to be answered.  Two matters of important is whether the Worker was the Initial physical aggressor and whether the Applicant deviated from employment.

Given this fact pattern, the reason why the McDonald’s Worker left the store is important. Did the Worker want to get in a fight with the customer? Did the worker initiate physical contact?

The other aspect to consider is whether there was a deviation.  Did the employee’s actions remove him from being considered to be in the workplace? With this analysis, the location of the outside incident is of importance. Was it on the McDonald’s premises or off? Was it a mile away from the store?   Further, was he on a break, or was he working on the clock when he went outside?

Can A Claim Like This Be Delayed?

Yes. Labor Code Section 5402(b) affords an insurance company 90 days to investigate.  In this matter, given the analysis provided above, an insurance company should send an investigator out to obtain witness statements, obtain the video from the store if any, and obtain a copy of the police report.  My personal impression is that the additional facts would likely support a finding of industrial injury.  Without knowing more, I would think that the incident happened while on premises.  The fact that the incident was on the premises would play a large factor in the analysis. [update: If the worker left the work site to have a confrontation, more facts are needed concerning what happened.  The location of the confrontation and its nature are important.   Further, the reason for the confrontation is important as well.

What if I Need Advice?

If you would like a free consultation regarding workers’ compensation, please contact the Law Offices of Edward J. Singer, a Professional Law Corporation. We have been helping people in Central and Southern California deal with their workers’ compensation cases for 27 years. Contact us today for more information.


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