A Social Worker tragically died.  Per the, the Social Worker knocked on the wrong door during an in-field appointment to visit a client.  As a result of this, the Social Worker was assaulted. The individual l repeatedly punched her.  He then kicked her with heavy boots.   She sustained a severe brain bleed, swelling of the brain, and multiple facial fractures.  She survived for approximately one month before dying.

This case will be analyzed under California Workers’ Compensation Law.

If the Social Worker knocked on the Wrong Door, Does That Matter?

No. California Workers’ Compensation is a “no fault” system. Therefore, if the Social Worker made a mistake in knocking on the wrong door, it would not preclude her from having a valid claim.

Are There Two Types of Cases Here? Why?

In this fact pattern, there are two workers’ compensation claims.  One is considered as the “live” claim and the other is a “death” claim.   The “live” claim is one that considers the Social Worker’s disability prior to her death.  During that period of time, it would appear that she was totally temporarily disabled.  Thus, she would have been paid short term workers’ compensation benefits.  These are referred to as TTD benefits.  Further, it would appear that this Social Worker received substantial amounts of medical care while they were trying to keep her alive.  This medical expense should also be considered as part of the “live” case.

Beyond the “live” case, there is also the “death” claim.  The “death” claim serves two purposes.   First, it is designed to compensate the Injured Worker’s dependents.  The nature and extent of dependency, however, is something that is defined within workers’ compensation law.  Also, time periods involved are of import.  Also, the dependency payments are determined by various formulas.  Also, the “death” claim includes the payment of burial expenses.

What If I Need Advice?

If you would like a free consultation regarding workers’ compensation, please contact the Law Offices of Edward J. Singer, a Professional Law Corporation. We have been helping people in Central and Southern California deal with their workers’ compensation cases for 27 years. Contact us today for more information.





work injury claim form with a judge's gavel

City Worker Dies After Being Electrocuted in a Cherry Picker: Injured Workers in the News #69

A sad story comes out of Houston, Texas.  During election season, a Parks and Recreation Department Worker suffered a work-related injury- electrocution-  and died.

News reports offer sparse information.   Thus, we will create a hypothetical and assume that the electronic voting system was the source of the electrocution.  The death, in an of itself, would likely trigger an OSHA investigation to determine the cause of the death.

Assuming the hypothetical fact pattern that the Parks Worker was working on election issues and that the voting machine caused their death, we will discuss the issues that would arise.

What Type of Claims Can Be Brought in This Circumstance?

Under California Law,  since the employee passed away, his or her dependents would be eligible to claim dependency death benefits.  Likewise,  they would be eligible to received up to $10,000.00 relating to burial expenses.  The dependency analysis involves marital status, the age and health of children, and the amount of support that the deceased provided to any claimed dependent.   Also, for spouses earning less than a certain amount and for minor children, there are presumptions that may be employed to claim dependency may be employed.

For the Purposes of Workers’ Compensation, Who Was The Deceased Worker’s Employer?

Elections can involve multiple government agencies.  Employees from one government agency could be placed on loan to others. Thus, a question can be raised as to “who was this person’s employer at the time of death? ”

Why Is The Employer Determination Important?

In this matter, the determination of the employer is important.  First, this knowledge will inform the dependents to place in a claim,  Likewise, the determination may establish the possibility of a third party case.   Hypothetically, if the electrocution occurred as a result of defective election equipment, it is possible that the owners of the equipment and the manufacturers of the equipment may have some liability.  Also, if the employee was considered to work for the City of Houston, they could potentially sue the County which was responsible for the running the election and for the election machines.

What if I Need Advice?

If you would like a free consultation regarding workers’ compensation, please contact the Law Offices of Edward J. Singer, a Professional Law Corporation. We have been helping people in Central and Southern California deal with their workers’ compensation cases for 27 years. Contact us today for more information.

group of police officers in a subway station


The Salinas Police Department’s 80 year Safety Record  was broken.  Police Officer Jorge David Alvarado, while making a traffic stop, was killed.  The initial news accounts provided no family information.

This article will discuss the workers’ compensation issues that arise in this circumstance.

Workers’ Compensation provides for death benefits.  First, workers’ compensation law in California will provide for burial expenses. Officer Alvarado will be afforded burial expenses up to the amount of  $10,000.00.  Second, the workers’ compensation system law also provides dependency benefits. These types of benefits may apply to family members and others.

What Will Happen In This Circumstance Given the Known Facts?  

In this circumstance, the department’s workers’ compensation administrator will make some inquiry as to investigate whether there are dependents.  Dependents do not have to be relatives.  Generally, however, dependents tend to be spouses, children and grandchildren.

What Is a Dependent for Workers’ Compensation?

Workers’ Compensation Dependents can be any person for which the Officer provided support.  In addition, there are individuals are legally entitled to support.  For example, an ex-spouse with an a support order and minor children fall into this category.  A child under 18 years of age is considered as a dependent even though there wasn’t a court order of support.

Dependency is a matter of which is subject to the trier of fact. This means a judge will make a decision concerning it.  ” Partial dependency “shall be determined in accordance with the facts as they exist at the time of the injury of the employee. ” (§ 3502, emphasis added.) The true test of dependency in fact is not whether the dependent was compelled to rely upon the deceased employee’s contributions for  the bare necessities of life, but whether the dependent relied on the contributions for support according to his or her accustomed mode of living. Wings West Airlines v. Workers Compensation Appeals Bd. of California & Dir. of Indus. Rels., 51 Cal. Comp. Cases 609 (Cal. App. 1st Dist. December 11, 1986)

What If I Need Advice?

If you would like a free consultation regarding workers’ compensation, please contact the Law Offices of Edward J. Singer, a Professional Law Corporation. We have been helping people in Central and Southern California deal with their workers’ compensation cases for 27 years. Contact us today for more information.

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