A Social Worker tragically died. Per the Nypost.com, the Social Worker knocked on the wrong door during an in-field appointment to visit a client. As a result of this, the Social Worker was assaulted. The individual l repeatedly punched her. He then kicked her with heavy boots. She sustained a severe brain bleed, swelling of… Continue reading SOCIAL WORKER TRAGICALLY DIES: INJURED WORKER IN THE NEWS, #123
Category: burial expense
City Worker Dies After Being Electrocuted in a Cherry Picker: Injured Workers in the News #69
A sad story comes out of Houston, Texas. During election season, a Parks and Recreation Department Worker suffered a work-related injury- electrocution- and died. Foxnews.com News reports offer sparse information. Thus, we will create a hypothetical and assume that the electronic voting system was the source of the electrocution. The death, in an of itself,… Continue reading City Worker Dies After Being Electrocuted in a Cherry Picker: Injured Workers in the News #69
The Salinas Police Department’s 80 year Safety Record was broken. Police Officer Jorge David Alvarado, while making a traffic stop, was killed. The initial news accounts provided no family information. This article will discuss the workers’ compensation issues that arise in this circumstance. Workers’ Compensation provides for death benefits. First, workers’ compensation law in California… Continue reading A SALINAS POLICE DEPARTMENT TRAGEDY: INJURED WORKER IN THE NEWS #18