A Social Worker tragically died. Per the Nypost.com, the Social Worker knocked on the wrong door during an in-field appointment to visit a client. As a result of this, the Social Worker was assaulted. The individual l repeatedly punched her. He then kicked her with heavy boots. She sustained a severe brain bleed, swelling of… Continue reading SOCIAL WORKER TRAGICALLY DIES: INJURED WORKER IN THE NEWS, #123
Tag: death claim
As reported on kansascity.com, a 21-year-old Store Clerk was fatally shot by a Customer. The murder of the clerk was the result of a currency dispute; the Customer tried to make a cigar purchase with money that was in bad shape. The Clerk refused the payment. According to the account, “the Customer pulled out a… Continue reading STORE CLERK KILLED OVER UNACCEPTABLE CASH PAYMENT: INJURED WORKERS IN THE NEWS, #106
Tragic Fate: Italian Cheesemaker Perishes in Cheese Wheel Avalanche: Injured Workers in the News, #96
A workplace tragedy raises an interesting workers’ compensation hypothetical question. It was reported that a Farmer was crushed to death by an avalanche of Parmesan Style Cheese Wheels. From the news account, it appeared that the Farmer owned the business. This fact pattern raises the question as to whether a business owner can also be… Continue reading Tragic Fate: Italian Cheesemaker Perishes in Cheese Wheel Avalanche: Injured Workers in the News, #96
83-Year-Old Home Depot Employee Death: Injured Workers in the News #72
An 83-year-old Home Depot Worker died six weeks after sustaining a work injury. He had been shoved to the ground by a serial shoplifter while apparently trying to stop a theft. The Home Depot Worker sustained injuries as a result of the shove and he lived for 5 weeks before passing. The medical examiner has… Continue reading 83-Year-Old Home Depot Employee Death: Injured Workers in the News #72
City Worker Dies After Being Electrocuted in a Cherry Picker: Injured Workers in the News #69
A sad story comes out of Houston, Texas. During election season, a Parks and Recreation Department Worker suffered a work-related injury- electrocution- and died. Foxnews.com News reports offer sparse information. Thus, we will create a hypothetical and assume that the electronic voting system was the source of the electrocution. The death, in an of itself,… Continue reading City Worker Dies After Being Electrocuted in a Cherry Picker: Injured Workers in the News #69
Amazon Driver Killed by Dogs: Injured Workers in the News #67
An Amazon Delivery Driver was tragically found dead. Two dogs are suspected to have attacked the Driver. A news reports has a quote from an authority that “[d]ue to the fact of the nature of some of the injuries to the male driver, we can’t confirm or deny if (the dogs) were the cause of… Continue reading Amazon Driver Killed by Dogs: Injured Workers in the News #67
A horrible incident happened at a Food Processing Company. A Processing Worker was found dead inside a kettle cooker. The police investigation found nothing suspicious. An ongoing investigation with OSHA is continuing. The Deceased Worker leaves behind a wife and two daughters. dailymail.co This article will discuss as to whether, given the facts, this injury… Continue reading WAS WORKER TRAGICALLY COOKED A WORK-RELATED EVENT? INJURED WORKER IN THE NEWS, #63
IWITN #45: A Tragic Shooting Death & Injury Of Subway Employees
It is reported that one Subway Sandwich Artist was tragically murdered and that another was shot at an Atlanta Subway Sandwich Store. A customer, upset over too much mayo being placed upon a sandwich, reportedly became violent and fired shots. The tragedy is made worse as the son of the deceased worker was present. Dailymail.com… Continue reading IWITN #45: A Tragic Shooting Death & Injury Of Subway Employees
A Contract Worker was killed at a landfill in Florida in perhaps the most horrible way possible. While he was using a Porta Potty, a bulldozer ran the portable bathroom and killed his co-worker. The Bulldozer Operator and the Deceased Employee worked for the same company. It is reported that the driver ‘… immediately exited… Continue reading THE WORST WORK INJURY EVER? INJURED WORKER IN THE NEWS, #20
4 California El Cajon Plane Crash Victims: Injured Workers in the News, #8
It was recently reported that both Flight Nurses and Pilots died in a tragic jet plane crash in San Diego. “[T]he twin-engine jet was registered to El Cajon-based Med Jet LLC.” kmph.com The plane crash constitutes a work-related accident. Dependents of the deceased workers can seek compensation as well as obtain burial expenses to cover… Continue reading 4 California El Cajon Plane Crash Victims: Injured Workers in the News, #8