A Social Worker tragically died.  Per the, the Social Worker knocked on the wrong door during an in-field appointment to visit a client.  As a result of this, the Social Worker was assaulted. The individual l repeatedly punched her.  He then kicked her with heavy boots.   She sustained a severe brain bleed, swelling of the brain, and multiple facial fractures.  She survived for approximately one month before dying.

This case will be analyzed under California Workers’ Compensation Law.

If the Social Worker knocked on the Wrong Door, Does That Matter?

No. California Workers’ Compensation is a “no fault” system. Therefore, if the Social Worker made a mistake in knocking on the wrong door, it would not preclude her from having a valid claim.

Are There Two Types of Cases Here? Why?

In this fact pattern, there are two workers’ compensation claims.  One is considered as the “live” claim and the other is a “death” claim.   The “live” claim is one that considers the Social Worker’s disability prior to her death.  During that period of time, it would appear that she was totally temporarily disabled.  Thus, she would have been paid short term workers’ compensation benefits.  These are referred to as TTD benefits.  Further, it would appear that this Social Worker received substantial amounts of medical care while they were trying to keep her alive.  This medical expense should also be considered as part of the “live” case.

Beyond the “live” case, there is also the “death” claim.  The “death” claim serves two purposes.   First, it is designed to compensate the Injured Worker’s dependents.  The nature and extent of dependency, however, is something that is defined within workers’ compensation law.  Also, time periods involved are of import.  Also, the dependency payments are determined by various formulas.  Also, the “death” claim includes the payment of burial expenses.

What If I Need Advice?

If you would like a free consultation regarding workers’ compensation, please contact the Law Offices of Edward J. Singer, a Professional Law Corporation. We have been helping people in Central and Southern California deal with their workers’ compensation cases for 27 years. Contact us today for more information.





Taco Bell Employee Shot By Customer: Injured Workers in the News, #93

In North Carolina, a Taco Bell Worker is left fighting for their life.  A customer, reportedly upset over believing that they received the wrong amount of change, opened fire and short the worker multiple times.  It is reported that a suspect has been taken into custody.  The employee was taken to the hospital with life threatening injuries.

 This article will discuss the steps that can be taken to assist an Injured Worker who suffered a traumatic injury.

If The Taco Bell Worker Created the Incident By Giving the Wrong Change, Does It Matter?

In California, and most states, workers’ compensation is a “no fault” system.  As such, a Worker  making an innocent accounting mistake would not be barred from filing a claim in this instance. 

 What Can Be Done Within the Workers’ Compensation Claims System To Address A Traumatic Injury Such As This Shooting?

While the California workers’ compensation system provides treatment for Injured Workers suffering from traumatic injuries such as this shooting, there is additional help that can be provided to improve such medical care.  As a representative of Injured Workers, in an instance such as this shooting,  I will reach out to the Insurance Company and seek an agreement to employ a Nurse Case Manager on the claim.  Sometime, the Insurance Companies will initiate it as well.  Nurse Case Managers, in complex cases, serve to connect the patients with the health care providers.  They also can assist with scheduling treatment plans.  Further, they can attend doctor’s appointments and participate in the recovery process.  In some instances, such as recovery from major surgeries, Nurse Case Managers can make sure that all of the Injured Worker’s needs are met.   In minor injury cases, Nurse Case Managers, however, appear to be more interested in getting the industrial treatment concluded and closing the case. 

What If I Need Legal Advice?

If you would like a free consultation regarding workers’ compensation, please contact the Law Offices of Edward J. Singer, a Professional Law Corporation. We have been helping people in Central and Southern California deal with their workers’ compensation cases for 30 years. Contact us today for more information.

depressed woman sitting on the floor of a dark room

Workers Comp & Head Injuries

Workers Comp Head Injury Settlements

Head Traumas are a common occurrence.  When they occur in the workplace, Workers’ Compensation may apply.  Irrespective of the employee’s fault or negligence,  the Injured Worker might still be eligible to receive workers’ compensation benefits and medical treatment relating to the trauma.   This article specifically addresses the topic of Mild Brain Traumas (mTBI) as opposed to more significant ones.

 What Is A Mild Brain Trauma?

 “Mild TBI is defined as an injury to the head with loss of consciousness for 30 minutes or less with posttraumatic amnesia as well as alteration of consciousness for no more than 24 hours with no identifiable lesions on the individual’s scans.”  Asha Vas, Anna Luedtke, Eryn Ortiz, Natalie Mackie, Samantha Gonzalez, “Cognitive Rehabilitation: Mild Traumatic Brain Injury and Relevance of OTPF”, Occupational Therapy International, vol. 2023, Article ID 8135592, 11 pages, 2023.

Are Mild Brain Trauma Injuries Common?

Yes. “Over a million Americans sustain a mild traumatic brain injury (mTBI) every year .”  Asha Vas, Anna Luedtke, Eryn Ortiz, Natalie Mackie, Samantha Gonzalez, “Cognitive Rehabilitation: Mild Traumatic Brain Injury and Relevance of OTPF”, Occupational Therapy International, vol. 2023, Article ID 8135592, 11 pages, 2023.

Are The Symptoms Difficult to Recognize?

Unlike cuts or bruises, many head injuries are not visible.  Often, they are even difficult for the Injured Worker to understand.  “mTBI symptoms are commonly unrecognized and can cause chronic impairments.” Asha Vas, Anna Luedtke, Eryn Ortiz, Natalie Mackie, Samantha Gonzalez, “Cognitive Rehabilitation: Mild Traumatic Brain Injury and Relevance of OTPF”, Occupational Therapy International, vol. 2023, Article ID 8135592, 11 pages, 2023.

What Type of Symptoms Are Present?

Mild Head Traumas have a variety of symptoms.  They include “attention deficits, headaches, fatigue, posttraumatic stress symptoms, and deficits in executive functioning.”  Asha Vas, Anna Luedtke, Eryn Ortiz, Natalie Mackie, Samantha Gonzalez, “Cognitive Rehabilitation: Mild Traumatic Brain Injury and Relevance of OTPF”, Occupational Therapy International, vol. 2023, Article ID 8135592, 11 pages, 2023.

What Are The Problems with Recognizing Head Traumas?

Approximately 70% of TBIs are considered mTBI and are usually diagnosed after complaints by the individual without postinjury objective findings [. It is often easy to mistake mTBI symptoms as they present similarly to stressors such as pain, medication, posttraumatic stress, anxiety, and depression.”] Asha Vas, Anna Luedtke, Eryn Ortiz, Natalie Mackie, Samantha Gonzalez, “Cognitive Rehabilitation: Mild Traumatic Brain Injury and Relevance of OTPF”, Occupational Therapy International, vol. 2023, Article ID 8135592, 11 pages, 2023.

Is There Permanent Disability from Mild Head Traumas?

Yes. It is possible to get a permanent disability award based upon a mild head trauma.  The assessment for such disability comes from either Treating Physicians, Qualified Medical Evaluators or Agreed Medical Evaluators.  There are “a large number of individuals are increasingly reporting cognitive, physical, and psychological symptoms months and years postinjury.” Asha Vas, Anna Luedtke, Eryn Ortiz, Natalie Mackie, Samantha Gonzalez, “Cognitive Rehabilitation: Mild Traumatic Brain Injury and Relevance of OTPF”, Occupational Therapy International, vol. 2023, Article ID 8135592, 11 pages, 2023.

What Type of Permanent Disabilities Can Occur?

One of the chronic symptoms is “impaired executive functioning causing difficulties in holding attention, remembering information, and organization and planning.”  [10]. Asha Vas, Anna Luedtke, Eryn Ortiz, Natalie Mackie, Samantha Gonzalez, “Cognitive Rehabilitation: Mild Traumatic Brain Injury and Relevance of OTPF”, Occupational Therapy International, vol. 2023, Article ID 8135592, 11 pages, 2023.

These deficits can impact job performance.

What Type of Doctor Would Evaluate and Treat A Head Trauma Case?

Generally speaking, either a neurologist or a neuropsychologist might be employed to provide treatment.

What if I Need Legal Advice?

If you would like a free consultation regarding workers’ compensation, please contact the Law Offices of Edward J. Singer, a Professional Law Corporation. We have been helping people in Central and Southern California deal with their workers’ compensation cases for 30 years. Contact us today for more information.

work injury claim form with a judge's gavel


A FedEx Semi Truck Driver was seriously injured when, according to the police, has a rock thrown into his windshield.  It is reported that he had significant injuries to his head. According to the report, “The only thing I remember is waking up in the ambulance truck with them asking me questions,” the driver said. He also said that “I have three broken or fractured bones under my eye and I had to get a little over 27 stitches in my lip top and bottom,” Hampton said.

If No One Really Knows How The Rock Hit The Windshield, Does It Matter?

No.  Workers’ Compensation is a “no fault” system.  The regardless of how and why the rock struck the windshield, it did cause an injury.  Thus, given the fact pattern, the fact pattern presents as a legitimate work injury entitling the worker to benefits.

Where Can The Claim Be Filed?

Since the Driver works for a private company, FedEx, his case will be addressed within State Workers’ Compensation Laws.  Thus, the Driver must determine which State will serve as the venue.  There are a variety of factors that come into play with respect to this decision where to file the claim, i.e. where the driver lives, what FedEx location the driver works out of, and where the accident happened.   Thus, an analysis should be done with respect to this issue prior to filing the claim.

What Injury Claims Does This Worker Have?

In light of the facts, it would appear that this Driver suffered a head injury which included a loss of consciousness.  Usually, the loss of consciousness usually indicates that that he suffered a concussion.  Likewise, he may have suffered a vision injury.  Further, he suffered a cosmetic injury due to 27 stitches on his face.   Possibly, he may have also suffered a dental injury.   Significantly Injured Workers are overwhelmed by their immediate concerns and may miss reporting body parts at the onset of the claim.  Therefore, it is important to get them documented by either reporting the body parts to claims and the medical providers.

What if I Need Advice?

If you would like a free consultation regarding workers’ compensation, please contact the Law Offices of Edward J. Singer, a Professional Law Corporation. We have been helping people in Central and Southern California deal with their workers’ compensation cases for 27 years. Contact us today for more information.

work injury claim form with a judge's gavel

Teacher Injured By Student Compensation: Injured Workers in the News #78

In a highly publicized matter, a Teacher was reportedly battered as a result of taking away a video game from a child.  According to the news account, the video showed the student charging towards the teacher and knocking her onto the ground.  He stomped, kicked and punched her numerous times.  As a result of the injuries, she lost her consciousness.

This matter will be discussed on a variety of issues.

If the Teacher Wrongly Took Away The Game From the Child, Would She Be Ineligible for Workers’ Compensation Benefits?

No.  From the facts known, the Teacher did not act as the initial aggressor in the incident.   This is supported by the fact that Police have arrested the Student and he is being charged with a crime.  Also, workers’ compensation is a no-fault system.  A mistake in taking away an item from a student causing an incident would not impact the eligibility for workers’ compensation.

If The Teacher Cannot Return to Teaching, Is Workers’ Compensation Her Only Means of Recovery?

In California, there is the State Teachers Retirement System which is known as CALSTRS.  Assuming the Teacher works at a public school, she is entitled to pursue a disability retirement.

What if I Need Advice?

If you would like a free consultation regarding workers’ compensation, please contact the Law Offices of Edward J. Singer, a Professional Law Corporation. We have been helping people in Central and Southern California deal with their workers’ compensation cases for 27 years. Contact us today for more information.

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